At Addlife Health Kalgoorlie, our team has over 30 years of combined experience helping people get back to their best fast. One of the ways we help our patients do this is with physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is catered to your particular injury or issue and this personalised plan is then implemented to help you get back to 100% quickly.
If you would like to discover how we can help you, simply book an appointment by clicking the button below, or calling us on (08) 9021 8863
Addlife Physio Services
Find out more about our various Physiotherapy services under the Physiotherapy menu.

What You Need to Know About Your Appointment
When you come in to Addlife Health Kalgoorlie, you’ll know you’re in safe hands. In the initial appointment, we want to discover your story and your symptoms, and what you’ve tried to remedy the particular problem you have. We’ll then work with you to find the exact problem, and create a customised program to help you get back to your best fast.
In order for us to help you quickly, please bring the following :
A list of your medications
Your Medical History
Please bring with you your previous medical and surgical history. If they’re relevant, please also bring along previous scans and MRI.
Comfortable clothing
You may want to bring along shorts and a t-shirt to make any treatment more comfortable for you and your physiotherapist

Addlife Health Kalgoorlie
Getting you back to your best fast!
Same Day Appointments are Available.