Yogi Koduru

Senior Musculoskeletal Physio

Yogi has been working at Addlife Health for the last 8 years since it’s inception.  He moved to Kalgoorlie from Sheffield, England where he held multiple senior roles with Sheffield teaching hospitals. He has over 20 years of Physiotherapy experience.

Yogi treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions, and his interest is in shoulder, sports injuries, spinal rehabilitation through manual therapy and exercise.

He has completed training in the Mulligan concept, which focuses restoration of normal movement through mobilisation and manipulation. Yogi is also a qualified Clinical Pilates and Yoga instructor.

He is optimally proficient in musculoskeletal assessment of the shoulder and treats a wide variety of upper limb conditions. He has a calling in the assessment and management of shoulder instability in both adults & children. 

His management approach involves a wide range of therapeutic skills, manual therapy including dry needling and functional based exercises.


He has a keen interest in hands, and has completed extensive training in making “hand splints” and treating Hand Injuries. He has completed Intensive training in Hand therapy and completed several Post graduate courses in Hand therapy. 

In his spare time he is a busy dad and plays badminton to keep him fit.

Call us now on (08) 9021 8863 or click here to book online.

Meet Our Team

Our team of highly trained professionals use the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health,
quickly and easily after your sports injury

Silpa Dasariraju

Since 2003, Silpa has worked in various private clinics and hospitals in Australia and England treating a wide variety of health related injuries including…

Yogi Koduru

Yogi has been working as a Physiotherapist for 20 years. He qualified with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy in 2000 and has practiced in….

Yusuf Elmetwally

Yusuf Elmetwally

Yusuf started a new chapter in his life by joining the Addlife Physiotherapy team in 2022. His passion and area of interest is in…


Addlife Health Kalgoorlie

Getting you back to your best fast!


Same Day Appointments are Available.

(08) 9021 8863 / 0405333921


32A Lane St, KALGOORLIE WA 6430